About Us
Saaee Aquaculture was located near Caspian sea was established in 2006 at Mazandaran province- Sari. During drastic decline of produced caviar from Caspian sea, We decide to build a sturgeon farm to supply our loyal customers with Iranian high quality caviar. We processed our first caviar at 2010 and with prohibition export of wild sturgeon caviar from Caspian sea, provide customers with own caviar.
We have different pond and hall for different stage of sturgeon growth and long-term protection of sturgeon.

Saaee Aquaculture , as one of the oldest Farm in the field of sturgeon production and breeding, has launched its website . You can order all kinds of goodies by using the esteemed products of our website by order , which include different types of caviar, including Beluga caviar, Astra caviar, Sevruga caviar and Beariicaviar, which you visit and want in the form. We will also use the product you need to send as soon as possible and with the best possible quality
Click on the desired product to see the specifications, price and how to buy caviar. It should be noted that the Saaee Aquaculture processing plant has the European commission(EC) health code, the US Food and Drug Administration FDA code and also (HACCP), which also has a veterinary certification code. It should also be noted that the Saaee Aquaculture (Abzigistran Saaee) is the largest exporter of Iranian caviar available, and our main destination is Europe, the Arabian countries in Persian Gulf, Southeast Asia, and the first exporter of Iranian caviar directly to the United states of America.
Quality Control
The value and caviar quality are scored during production by caviar experts who judge the product according to grading guidelines for the average roe from that species. These guidelines rate caviar quality on a set of factors of which the scorer uses to decide the grade. Size, color lucidity, uniformity, firmness fragrance separation taste and maturity are factors that affect the quality and price of caviar. The caviar price that has consistently firm and delicate texture with large grains that are intact and unbroken, with fine color, smell and taste differ from the price of caviar that are weak in one of the aspects. When it comes to caviar sale, it is important to know that. If you want to buy caviar online, shop at a reputable source who is committed to keeping that good reputation

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Caviar Fresh: Tips and Techniques

wholesale caviar:

What does caviar taste like?

what is the especial feature of each caviar?

Type of Caspian sea fish
Our Certificate