wholesale caviar:
Caviar is an energetic food that has a high nutritional value and has a very pleasant taste and smell. Caviar has protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and mineral salts and water. The nutritional value of 100 grams of caviar is equivalent to 2800 kcal of energy. Mainly, the proteins in caviar are: histamine, isoleucine, lysine, lysine, arginine, and myotenine.
Vitamins such as B12, B6, B2, PP, E, D, C, A are among the vitamins found in caviar. Consumption of caviar prevents depression and cardiovascular disease because the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in caviar is very high.
In addition, caviar is rich in a compound called cetacosand, which is a type of fatty alcohol with a long chain and is converted into fatty acids in the body. It also contains folic and pantotonic acid and minerals such as iodine and phosphorus, which restore the lost energy to the person during the recovery period and infectious disease.
The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in caviar prevents the increase of blood cholesterol and thus prevents cardiovascular diseases. In addition, consumption of caviar is very effective in preventing rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation), gastrointestinal diseases and some types of cancer.
Caviar is also rich in iron, and for this reason, it is recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Consumption of caviar has a significant impact on children's intelligence and helps their mental development, so it is recommended during pregnancy.
Consumption of caviar is very useful to prevent the loss of elasticity and weakening of skin cells, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin, and keeps your skin soft and fresh. Caviar is a rejuvenating extract due to having sufficient and expensive proteins.
Considering that the largest amount of caviar fish is found in the Caspian Sea, the largest producers of canned caviar are Russia and Iran, followed by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to a lesser extent.
But this type of fish is not specific to this region and there are several species of it in the Northern Hemisphere. Also, this type of fish can be found in North America, China and France. But the biggest consumers of canned caviar are the United States, Switzerland, Japan and the European Union (mainly Belgium, Germany and England).
What is caviar?
The strange fish whose caviar brings so much excitement to the table is from the sturgeon fish family. Sturgeon toothless fish is one of the few remaining species of cartilaginous fish that has preserved its prehistoric shape. There are more than twenty different species of sturgeon in the world, five of which live in the Caspian Sea, and their caviar is produced under the names of three species: beluga, astra, and servuga.
Types of caviar:
1: Beluga sturgeon
It is the only sturgeon that can reach up to 4 meters in length. Its standard weight is between 50 and 300 kilos. Some of these fish exceptionally reach up to 1000 kilos. Caviar obtained from such fish is 15 kg on average.
2: Ostera sturgeon
Some of their exceptional cases weigh up to 300 kilos and reach 2 meters in length. Their standard weight is between 20 and 80 kilos and the resulting caviar is between 3 and 12 kilos.
3: Sevruga sturgeon
The length of this fish reaches 1.5 meters and its maximum weight is 25 kilograms. The amount of caviar obtained from it is between 1 and 3 kg.
caviar production:
Our biotechnical experts take all the necessary measures to keep the caviar in ideal conditions during the period until it arrives. It is not possible to distinguish whether the fish are male or female at first. After the age of about 3 to 4 years, sturgeons have the possibility to undergo an ultrasound with the help of a bio-technician and determine their gender. After determining whether it is male or female, they are transferred to the respective pools.
- After that, informational chipsets are injected in the right part of the female fish's snout. These information chipsets remain with the fish until the end of the course and life. By scanning this chip set, our experts obtain and record a report on the health of the fish every period.
- During each period of time, according to the age and weight of the fish, they receive appropriate food for that period. After the necessary period of time and detailed examination of the fish and ultrasound data by the company's biotechnique experts and examination of maturity charts and graphs, the next steps will be taken.
- This period takes place in the last stage of sturgeon maturation, when the fish with the above conditions are transferred to the respective pools with suitable water temperature. During this period, the fish do not receive food for a while so that the fat around their caviar disappears. At this stage, with periodical reviews by our experts and the caviars reaching the desired stage, the necessary measures are taken. After determining the right time, the caviars are taken out of the pool and transferred to the production and processing department.
- After the arrival of the fish, the processing and blood collection section ,and the final cut of the belly of gonad fish and caviar are separated from the inside of the fish.
After that, the gonads and caviar are placed in cool water cubes. In this part, our expert caviar maker separates the caviar seeds and the gonad by placing the gonad along with the caviar on special sieves.
After frequent but sufficient draining, all the suspended components are separated and cleaned from the caviar with careful inspection. After that, the caviar maker adds salt to the caviar according to the weight of the caviar and specifying the necessary formula. It is interesting that these processing steps are very complicated at the same time. One of the factors complicating processing is the size, consistency and type of caviar, which must be recognized by a skilled caviar maker and all steps such as salting and mixing should be done according to the special rules of that caviar.
After the production of caviar, the caviars are classified according to color, consistency and size and placed in original tins and then transferred to the cold store with a temperature of -4 to enter the sales cycle after passing the quarantine period.
Raheleh Esmailnia;
Specialized Ph. D. aquaculture