Saaee Aquaculture
About Us
Our caviar company Abzi Gostaran Saaee(Saaee Aquaculture), including Sturgeon farm and Caviar processing workshop offers caviar of sturgeon fishes to sale. Have total 100 tons sturgeons and annual capacity of sturgeon caviar is 5 tons Also produce sturgeon caviar by Iranian and Russian technique so the quality and taste is very good. For your information our prices are as follow.
Before working with Culture group, as supplier, exporter and distributer of caviar, expected to adhere to our business ethics and values. This includes our standards for health and safety, human and labor rights, environment, quality management, business integrity, and corporate social responsibility. More than two decades have passed since Abzi Gostaran Saaee(Saaee Aqauculture) started sturgeon farming. There was no way to know that one aquaculture shed would become not only one of the largest on the North Coast of Iran, but also a destination for distribute and export of caviar to all around the world. Culture collection as an innovative online marketplace program that enables us to support our clients with a variety of healthy Caviar to provide with convenient pick up or home delivery. We launched Marketplace Direct from farm, an online marketplace that opened our wholesale caviar to consumers.
Company Info
Our deepest purpose as an company is provide the best caviar with Persian traditional caviar-recipe.
To become best of the best (Crème de la crème).
Customer Service
Most important goal of our company is best service to customer because we believe deepestly the customer as strategic partners, have important role in our growth and progress. therefore we make happy customer with providing high quality and healthy caviar. We are satisfied when customer smile and come close to us.
Core Value
Honesty and truth is best policy of our company. This two terms is fundamentally that to keep close our customer to us .
We work hard to bring the experience for our customer of high-end luxury Iranian cuisine.
We try as keep Iranian traditional caviar recipe, also try to present creative and innovative taste for our customer.
Company Structure

Our Certificate