what feature has turned caviar into a special and unique food? Have you ever asked yourself why caviar is one of the most precious seafood? What features might it have so that this food is always among the most popular foods in the world in the Google list. In this article, we discuss a series of special and rare cases about this valuable food. We hope that by reading this short article, you will always understand the benefits of consuming this black gold.
The some benefits of caviar
1.They have antioxidants.
It is rich in vitamin A, which helps to repair damaged skin tissue and prevent cell wear and tear, and vitamin E lifts the skin deep down to deal with very dry skin conditions. Vitamin E is also valuable for the circulatory system and may help prevent Parkinson's disease.
These two vitamins are essential for having young skin, healthy eyes, strengthening the immune system and anti-cancer properties; Therefore, caviar is considered one of the strongest antioxidants in nature.
2.Caviar helps to reduce blood pressure
Potassium is present in caviar and it is recommended to reduce blood pressure, that is why this food is recommended among people with high blood pressure.
3.Help prevent heart attacks with caviar:
Thanks to the high amount of omega-3 oil, more than 1000 mg in caviar helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also believed to help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
4.Caviar to protect against viruses
Vitamin D is another abundant ingredient in this healthy food. This element helps protect the immune system and ensures that immune cells communicate properly and function well.
5.caviar to restore hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is a component of blood that helps transport oxygen in the body. Caviar helps increase the level of this substance in the bloodstream and is recommended in patients who have undergone chemotherapy or surgery.
6.caviar for Muscle developing
Due to the high concentration of protein, caviar is recommended for muscle growth. Protein-rich foods such as these are highly recommended during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy, as a larger portion of this nutrient is needed during these stages.
7.The antidepressant effect of caviar
Due to its high concentration of omega-3, caviar is also recommended to reduce depression and bipolar disorder and is very beneficial for performance and cognitive function, proving that caviar is not only good for health, but also good for happiness.
8.Benefits of caviar for bone:
Because it has a lot of calcium, caviar is a great food for bones and its consumption is highly recommended during pregnancy because at this stage the body consumes the most.
9.Anti-stress and anti-migraine
Foods rich in vitamin B2 or riboflavin such as caviar are useful for improving nervous problems such as insomnia, anxiety and stress. Vitamin B2 and B5 are abundantly found in caviar, which is useful for overcoming migraines.
5 different of caviar:
- Caviar of Beluga
- Caviar of Ossetra
- Caviar of Almass
- Caviar of Baerii
- Caviar of sevruga
1.Special feature of Caviar Beluga:
Beluga caviar is caviar that is extracted from female beluga fish. This type of caviar has a very wonderful taste. Most beluga caviar produced in Iran is exported. This type of food has become increasingly popular in Iran and the world. Beluga quality caviar is one of the best types of Iranian caviar. This quality product has the largest Iranian caviar. High-quality beluga caviar is one of the first exports in this region.
2.Special feature of Caviar Ossetra:
A golden or brownish caviar from a sturgeon (such as Acipenser gueldenstaedtii of the Caspian Sea) with roe somewhat smaller than the beluga and having a usually nutty flavor. Ossetra (also Oscietra, Osetra, or Asetra) caviar is one of the most prized and expensive types of caviar (eclipsed in price only by Beluga caviar). It is obtained from the Ossetra sturgeon, which weighs 50-400 pounds and can live up to 50 years.
3.Special feature of Caviar Almas:
Clear grains and golden and bright color are the main characteristics of this product, which is obtained from the albino beluga fish of the Caspian Sea, and it is exported to many countries, including the UAE, England, South Korea, Norway, Japan, etc., in high-quality and stylish packages.
Different types of caviar are produced from different species of sturgeon fish all over the world; But the unique species of beluga albino produces a type of golden caviar known as Almas caviar.
The most unique feature of this caviar is the bright color that separates it from other caviars.
On the other hand, the price of this product is more expensive than other counterparts due to its rarity and specialness, great taste and high quality.
the taste can be very different from one can to another. Some of the factors that can affect the taste of caviar are:
breeding place;
the quality of the water in which the fish grow;
Age of beluga fish; (Older and more mature sturgeons produce the best caviar)
4.Special feature of Caviar Baeri:
siberian caviar is slightly crunchy and smaller in size than beluga caviar, brown to dark gray and black in color. Baeri's popular caviar, with its unique taste, is known as one of the best caviars in the world and ranks high in terms of quality and taste. The price of Berry Caviar is lower compared to Beluga Caviar and it is an excellent option to include this product in the diet.
5.Caviar of sevruga:
sevruga sturgeon is one of the most famous and popular sturgeon fish in Iran. sevruga caviar has a pleasant taste and a beautiful appearance, which makes it a special and good experience for the consumer stellatus is the smallest species of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea.
The unique properties of Suruga caviar
By buying Suruga caviar, you will get a source of all kinds of vitamins and minerals such as Omega 3. Omega 3 helps to strengthen the immune system and is very useful for blood circulation and heart. And it meets the entire need of vitamin B12 for one day. Vitamin A and B iron. Selenium, magnesium, and iron are among the substances found in caviar.
It is useful to prevent high blood pressure and heart attacks, and by restoring hemoglobin, it helps to improve the body's anemia, strengthens the body's muscles, and is anti-stress and anti-migraine headaches.
final word
As one of the top producers and reliable suppliers of Iranian and export caviar, saaee-aquaculture Caviar store tries to provide its customers with a pleasant and comfortable shopping experience by offering the best quality seafood products. You can contact our consultants for more information about the price of different types of caviar.
Raheleh Esmailnia;
Specialized Ph. D. aquaculture