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Saaee Aquaculture


Why is caviar so expensive?

Caviar is known to be complex and relatively expensive, but with its outstanding taste and texture, it provides beneficial nutrients such as proteins, sugars, fats, minerals and vitamins needed for proper body function.

Caviar suppliers

Who are the suppliers of caviar? The main suppliers of caviar are the seas, including the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Azov.

Everything you need to know about sturgeon meat

Buying sturgeon meat can create a wonderful experience of a wonderful meal for you. Buying sturgeon meat, in addition to being enjoyable for you, has many miraculous properties. Buy sturgeon meat and its tips.

What is sturgeon meat?

Sturgeons are fish species belonging to the Acipenseridae family. In Europe, they inhabited mainly in the large river systems of the Ponto‐Caspian region and the Black, Azov and the Caspian seas.

Caviar usage in beauty products

The effects of caviar on beauty (skin, hair, etc.) are among the valuable items of this nutritious food. The properties of caviar in this field are so many that caviar is considered a food for skin and hair in beauty.

Caviar Cold Chain

Do not worry about supplying cold chain and how to maintain and maintain the quality condition of caviar during its delivery. Saaee aquaculture Company presents a short article in this regard to assure you of achieving products with different and distinctive quality

Types of Caviar

How many types of caviar are there? Types of caviar Can Be Classified by Preparation:.What is Caviar? Sturgeon eggs, known as caviar, represent one of the most valuable delicacies on the world’s food market.

Caviar Production: From Farming and Breeding to Production

Where is caviar from? The sturgeon is one of the most ancient and valuable fish in the world, its first fossil record dating back to the upper Cretaceous

Beluga Caviar Production

Now a days Commercial growing and harvesting of caviar have become popular due to overfishing in the wild. Around the world, sturgeon is raised to produce caviar using aquaculture.

All you need to know about Beluga Caviar

What is Beluga Caviar? The beluga sturgeon, or great sturgeon, is the largest freshwater fish in the world and the producer of Beluga Caviar, the most expensive caviar in the world. This fish is capable of reaching lengths of 6 meters and weighing over 2000 kg.