What is Beluga Caviar?
The beluga sturgeon, or great sturgeon, is the largest freshwater fish in the world and the producer of Beluga Caviar, the most expensive caviar in the world. This fish is capable of reaching lengths of 6 meters and weighing over 2000 kg. During the last 100 million years, beluga sturgeon has evolved life-history characteristics that allow them to thrive in river systems that are large, diverse and constantly changing. Delayed maturation, longevity, and high fecundity (ability to produce a high number of offspring) buffer populations from annual variation in environmental conditions. Maturing later in life allocates energy toward growth, allowing the individual to attain a larger size. This reduces predation and increases longevity of Beluga sturgeon and well-prizes the Beluga Caviar.
What is special about beluga caviar?
The largest of all sturgeon species is the most prestigious of all due to its caviar, once the most expensive food product in the world in terms of size, color and creamy taste. The distinguishing characteristics of beluga caviar, other than its price tag and its delicate flavor, are its color and the size of the individual eggs. This type of caviar varies in color which range from light gray to black. Furthermore, beluga sturgeons create very large eggs. The size of the eggs is quite similar to the size of green peas in some cases.
Where does Beluga caviar come from?
The sturgeons of the Caspian Sea are considered highly valuable species. The Caspian Sea has traditionally been regarded as the sea of sturgeon since it produced more than 90 percent of the world’s caviar. Despite a remarkable decline of sturgeon numbers over recent years, the Caspian Sea still continues to be of considerable importance in sturgeon fisheries.
Beluga caviar in Caspian Sea
Caviar is a typical example of a luxury food, and the history of its consumption goes back to antiquity.
The four species (Acipenser gueldedstaedtii, A. persicus, A. stellatus and Huso huso) are sturgeons of the family Accipenseridae, occurring in the Caspian Sea Basin which is bordered by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation. All four species are anadromous, i.e., they spend most of their life at sea but migrate into river systems for reproduction.
The beluga sturgeon moved slowly through the currents of the Caspian Sea. Her sleek body was covered in prehistoric-looking bony plates, and the water quickly flowed around her as she searched for her next meal. Like all sturgeon, Beluga used the sensitive barbels around her mouth to detect small organisms on the bottom. Beluga sturgeon stirred the sediment with her snout and felt movement.
Types of Beluga caviar
Understanding caviar making it easier to see and compare the variations all in one place. BELUGA CAVIAR is divided into several types depending on qualities size, color, and flavor.
Common Beluga Caviar:
Size under 3 mm
Imperial Beluga Caviar:
Size 3/1-3/2
Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar(ISBC):
Size above 3/2
When ISBC roll over the tongue and pop up, the differentiation appears!
Selected by professional experts (as mentioned in the trade name) in the procedure by certain frameworks: color spectrum (light gray) size, consistency and stability which lead to production of the most pleasant one.
How to distinguish genuine Beluga caviar from others
There are many different varieties as well as forms of caviar, depending on the type of fish and how it was processed. You must be somewhat familiar with the variety you are buying before you know if you've been hoodwinked.
Take a look at the informational page on Caviar Varieties and Terminology.
Check the source, beluga caviar should come from a reputable farm.
THE PRICE OF CAVIAR: the higher Beluga sturgeon caviar price is because real beluga caviar is expensive to farm. Sturgeon caviar harvesting is labor intensive, and so the best black caviar will have a higher price tag.
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The price of Beluga caviar
Beluga caviar is the most expensive type of caviar, although most people imagine that caviar is an inaccessible luxury. However, thanks to saee-aquaculture.com 'Thinking About Caviar' is no longer a dream.
The question of the real price of caviar is often asked. Wherever in the world it's produced, everything depends on the farming conditions and, above all, the type of sturgeon from which the caviar comes